Venti pseudo-guide
How to Venti
What does Venti do?
Venti makes your life easier by getting small mobs up into air and tickling them to death.
Utilizes most of his potential even with relatively low investments
Trivializes a lot of abyss chambers with mobs who can be succed by his ult
Can (and should) run Viridescent Venerer set making him at worse an anemo support for resistance shred even if you never use his ult
Not a very high damage ceiling, so he can't keep up with actual dps characters
Struggles against big moving targets who keeps running away from his ult
Have some anti-synergy with a lot of characters in sustained playstyle
派蒙不可以 KleefulFrames~The Gladiator GOD~#6735 Artesians#0002
Talent Priority
Wind's Grand Ode >= Skyward Sonnet >>> Normal Attack: Divine Marksmanship
In the ideal scenario Venti's ult does more damage than his elemental skill in the normal rotation, however I would advise to level them equally as both are really good and resource-wise it would be a far better deal. Venti's auto attacks however is nothing to be proud about with some of the worst damage numbers among all archers and can be left at level 1 or leveled to 6 depending on how much you actually use them.
Main dps Venti?
The autoattacks on Venti are bad and don't add much value to his overall dps kit. He can do a few pew-pews during team skills cooldowns if there is no better dps to fill in the downtime but that's about it.
Is it worth leveling Venti to 90?
It depends. Venti unlike other characters gets around 25% more swirl damage after leveling from 80 to 90, which translates in a whopping 7-10% damage increase from this alone which is a lot better than any other character in the game can hope for. It's still quite an inefficient resin investment but still if you are going to level any character to 90, Venti should be your first in the priority list.
C1: Splitting Gales
Fires 2 additional arrows per Aimed Shot, each dealing 33% of the original arrow's DMG.
Do you want to feel like Legolas firing 3 arrows per shot? Now you can! Unfortunately these arrows almost never hit your target unless you are in a point blank range. Combined with mediocre dps from his pew-pew and the fact that Venti almost never does aimed shots this is easily the worst Venti constellation and one of the worst in the game 0% damage increase on average
Skyward Sonnet decreases opponents' Anemo RES and Physical RES by 12% for 10s. Opponents launched by Skyward Sonnet suffer an additional 12% Anemo RES and Physical RES decrease while airborne.
An amazing constellation which enables Venti to use 2vv2no set. Also one of the few sources of anemo shred in the game before ZL buff but still amazing 15-16% damage increase if there is no anemo shred in the team, 11% otherwise.
Increases the Level of Wind's Grand Ode by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Ult level increase. Good. 11% dps increase
When Venti picks up an Elemental Orb or Particle, he receives a 25% Anemo DMG Bonus for 10s.
Even without other characters generating orbs, hp thresholds orbs and any other external help with 6 sec dn on his elemental skill Venti can have 100% uptime on this constellation if you don't mess up the rotation too much
Around 10-15% damage increase depending on your set and weapon (Pay respect to Stringless/2vv2no users)
Increases the Level of Skyward Sonnet by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Elemental skill level increase. Not bad.
Another 5% damage increase. It doesn't mean it's bad, it's just that the base damage is so insane now than it only increases by 5%.
Targets who take DMG from Wind's Grand Ode have their Anemo RES decreased by 20%. If an Elemental Absorption occurred, then their RES towards the corresponding Element is also decreased by 20%.
Congratulations! Your Venti is complete now. This constellation as all other constellation after C1 is very good but not gamechanging. It's a bit hard to utilize it to it's full potential due to delayed infuse after the first anemo damage tick and aligning his elemental skill usage to take full advantage of anemo shred. However, even in the most brain dead playstyle it's still boost your damage by a hefty amount.
5-15% damage increase depending on your rotation. Probably around 8-9% on average.
Overall Venti gains around 60-70% damage increase in his journey from C0 C1 to C6.
The supreme powerhouse which is Skyward Harp reign supreme for Venti's damage output and is not seriously contended by any other weapon.
% of prototype
Skyward Harp
Stringless R5
Amos' Bow
The Viridescent Hunt
Stringless R1
Sacrificial Bow R5
Royal bow
Blackcliff Warbow (0 stacks)
Rust/Prototype Crescent
Elegy for the End
Favonius Warbow
Note that damage is calculated with passive for The Viridescent Hunt included which requires to do some autoattacks which can be done while waiting for particles after skill use. It also allows for fall damage abuse which is not included in the calculations. For Blackcliff Warbow passive is not included and may or may not change their respective ranking. For Royal bow the damage was taken as an average over 1000 rotations simulations.
Honorable mention to Elegy for the End which increase Venti's raw damage less than a majority of 4 star options while being a 5 star but buffs your team overall output transforming Venti into mini-Sucrose with TTDS.
Artifact set
Viridescent Venerer (4)
Every anemo support's bread and butter. Buff your teams damage, buff your own damage as swirl is a big part of Venti's ult. Without anemo shred in multi-target scenarios wins out over the second option even without accounting for team dps
Viridescent Venerer (2)
Nobless Oblige (2)
Not a bad option but you loose out on a lot of team dps potential and swirl damage. It does wonders if you have access to anemo shred through ZhongLi, Jean or C2+ Venti but actually looses some value with Venti C4 as he gets a bit too much anemo damage increase from other sources
What main/substats should you use?
The best overall stats you should use are atk%/anemo/crit. But keep in mind that having your ult to be up on cd should be your first priority. If you can't achieve it, it might be reasonable to run er sands with atk% based weapon or er weapon instead, however it is recommended to get energy recharge from substats which combined with ascention bonus should provide you with enough energy recharge.
How much ER do you need?
If you run Venti solo, you should reliably get your ult on cd with ~180% er. However, depending on your team your energy recharge needs can be a lot lower.
What about substats?
You can check the following sheet to see what substats you should aim for: What stats you should aim for for each weapon at different gearing stages
What teams Venti don't want to run in?
Do you run Keqing/Xingqiu/Bennett/Sucrose or other similar composition and you are looking to change your anemo support for Venti? It wouldn't be a wise idea. Melee characters can barely hit enemies inside Venti's ult and he wants a lot of on-field time every 6 seconds to cast his elemental skill ability which damages XQ sword hit count and your main dps output. Not to mention sucrose em buff which will be missed with Venti in this team. Tldr: keep sucrose in your Vaporize or Electro-charged sustain teams.
What teams does Venti want to run?
Venti is a very flexible unit and works in almost all quick-swap compositions which are based on rotation through character abilities as fast as possible.
The double anemo
aka "How to fix your energy recharge problems and run as many offensive stats as you can"
Venti + Jean
The dream team of early stages of Genshin impact still hold up today. Being both anemo units with high particle rate generation they channel each other's ultimate to the max running minimum energy recharge and both outputting insane amounts of damage, crowd control and heal.
Venti + anemo MC
The idea is the same but anemo mc is a lot more clunky to use than Jean, needs to hold his/her elemental skill ability for sufficient particle regen and lack healing. MC also has access to very valuable anemo resistance shred but it's hard to utilize because the MC's tornado succs enemies away from Venti's ult, so you need to have good timing and/or positioning to utilize him or her to full potential.
Venti + Sucrose
Particle regen wise sucrose is somewhat lacking but she can make up for it by making Venti happy by giving him some of her elemental mastery. Also additional cc makes sure you will never have downtime on cc.
The random targeting units
Currently we have two prominent representatives in this category: Albedo and Ganyu. Both of them feature pseudo-random targeting mechanics which allows them to triple or quadruple their damage against concentrated enemies. Nothing is more satisfying then seeing the screen flooded with damage numbers you can't make sense of.
Turbo teams
Fischl's newly found bug allows you to ditch er alltogether and so can anyone on your team. For more information visit the theorycrafting library.
With the 1.3 changes he is a premier support unit with pretty high ult damage, additional CC which works on big enemies which might be hard to capture in Venti’s ult, unbreakable shield to protect your Venti and teammates from ever taking damage which allows you to run without dedicated healer and most importantly the elemental resistance reduction which boosts your Venti’s damage even further.
So what is the ideal team?
It depends on whatever units you have access to and your situation. Any combination of these units and others can work well with Venti, so your options are limitless.
21/2/21 - First draft
22/2/21 - Added compositions
Last updated
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